459 What a Number !!

459 What a number!  Last weekend Danielle Gillespie our Christchurch Operations Manager competed in the Spring Challenge Women’s adventure race in a CGI sponsored Team with Paula and Sarah, a great effort and they did very well and held the company name up proudly. The event included white water rafting, mountain biking and trekking in the magnificent Tasman district.

The team was given the competitor number of 459 which by coincidence is our premium Chesterton 459 graphite sheet with a nickel foil reinforcement for use in high temperature, high pressure​​ flange applications. The nickel foil makes 459 easier to cut than other reinforced gasket sheets. It has excellent chemical resistance and can be used up to 870  C° in a non-oxidizing atmosphere with a pressure rating of 140 bar.  459 is available in Sheet form or pre-cut to your specifications, available in .8 – 1mm – 1.5mm and 3.2mm thickness.

Give the Team a call today or drop us a line at sales@cgiindustrial.co.nz

Like our awesome Spring Challenge Team Chesterton 459 is up to your sealing Challenges.